
English (norsk under)

Family Reggae Disco is a place where families can meet for musical and social uplifment.  It is rare that people of all ages can be together to enjoy good and positive music, activities and entertainment.  At Family Reggae Disco you will find, DJs, juggling, facepainting, arts and crafts, workshops, food and drinks and maybe a theatre performance, live band, storytelling and other interactive activities.

Family Reggae Disco began at the theatre-boat MS Innvik in January 2005 – in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre.  The concept has met with great success and has toured to all major towns in Norway – and a lot of the smaller ones too. It has always been successful with people of all ages and has received great reviews in norwegian newspapers, radio and TV.
We work in all kinds of venues from tiny village halls to large festivals.  We can provide a wide range of entertainments for all ages and book theatre, concerts, performances, storytelling, workshops and activities for all ages.

We are fortunate to have attracted solid support from the Norwegian Arts Council for which we are full of thanks.

We are still good friends with Nordic Black Theatre www.nordicblacktheatre.no 

and Spinn Sirkusskole www.spinnsirkus.com


Et sted hvor mennesker av alle aldre og kulturer møtes for musikalsk og sosial utfoldelse! Her kan hele familien få kulturelt påfyll mens de er sammen og får treffe andre familier. Her er det Djs, sjonglering, tegnebord, god og sunn mat og kanskje en teater forestilling, live musikk, DJ kurs for barn og voksne eller forteller stund.

Family Reggae Disco begynte som et fast konsept på MS Innvik i Januar 2005. Det har vært en strålende suksess og vi har jobbet overalt i Norge, i England og Brasil. Konseptet har fått kjempe positive anmeldelser i aviser, radio og TV.

Vi jobber med arrangementer av ulike størrelse fra små bydelsdager til store festivaler.  Vi booker teaterforestillinger, konserter, fortelling og musikk og dans workshops for barn og familier.

Vi er veldig takknemlig for god støtte fra Norsk kulturråd.

Vi er fortsatt gode venner med Nordic Black Theatre  www.nordicblacktheatre.no

og Spinn Sirkus Skole www.spinnsirkus.com

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